Time Warp – Rocky Horror Picture Show

gaunu asked:

We'll take a quick poll, since my video has almost reached 50000 views! Would you guys like me to upload some of the videos? If so, which ones would you like to see (since there are some already on YouTube), if not all of them! Send me a message, leave it in the comments, etc. The video and music are NOT mine, they are copyrights of 20th Century Fox and the respective parties. ---------------- Written by Jim Sharman and Richard O'Brien Directed by Jim Sharman Music by Richard O'Brien Cast ...


  1. PsychofanGal says:

    I just watched this movie for the first time a few hours ago.
    OMG, It was SOOOOO epic!

  2. wolfcario777 says:

    grim face!

  3. Salamiofdoom4u says:

    janet and brad look so cute trying to sneak away xD

  4. FFWFreedomFighters says:

    ik my friends took me to see it without telling me anything about it and I mean like weird stuff but seriously *** haha

  5. XrandomxHellosX says:

    The movie is creepy but Funny and this song is good to… If you haven’t seen the movie… I suggest reading something about it before trying to rent it or something 😛

  6. milfordegan123kevin says:

    good movie title lol

  7. thats the best part

  8. axldracon says:

    muy bueno el video y mas la cancvion, pero mas la calidad del video en que esta tomado, el mejor de todos, felicidades¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

  9. JtEnzo660 says:

    It’s called The Rocky Horror Picture Show

  10. milfordegan123kevin says:

    whats the movie called?

  11. i cant stop watching the wise guy say: is just a jump to the left, put your hands on your hips

  12. WishFredWasDead says:

    Wow i looked for like 1 hour 30 minutes to find this one video thank god awsome video thanks and in very nice quality

  13. kodochakarin38 says:

    ur’s is the best quality i’ve seen so far! yay!

  14. AliasUndercover says:

    I have seen this movie 176 times. Guess what I did every Friday & Saturday night for a few years…

  15. pandaphil says:

    Oh man, sounds like your drama class *****.

  16. mastergx1 says:

    quality quality quality

  17. lalahammy says:

    oh my goodness im blushing!

  18. AngelCaida1 says:

    Sweet! xD

  19. D’aww. You think more people would be savvy!


  21. AngelCaida1 says:

    lmfao, I went and saw this Friday night at midnight with a bunch of friends. This is our favourite bit. We’re a bunch of teenagers who love this movie.

  22. lordofthenolife says:

    You are awesome as well 😀

  23. lordofthenolife says:

    You sound like a fun guy to have in a drama class! 😀

  24. JerseyShoreline says:

    Ich kenn jemanden der hat die Rolle von Dr Frank ‘n’ Furter bei ner Schulaufführung gespielt. Er ist anfang 20 und ich bin 17. Die Rocky Horror Picture Show ist genial!

  25. Absoluter Kult! Eine Schande, daß in Deutschland die Jugend kaum noch die RHPS kennt…